
VSG is a both a command line tool and a python package. The command line tool can be invoked with:

$ vsg
usage: VHDL Style Guide (VSG) [-h] [-f FILENAME [FILENAME ...]]
                              [-lr LOCAL_RULES]
                              [-c CONFIGURATION [CONFIGURATION ...]] [--fix]
                              [-fp FIX_PHASE] [-j JUNIT] [-js JSON]
                              [-of {vsg,syntastic,summary}] [-b]
                              [-oc OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION]
                              [-rc RULE_CONFIGURATION]
                              [--style {indent_only,jcl}] [-v] [-ap]
                              [--fix_only FIX_ONLY] [--stdin]
                              [--quality_report QUALITY_REPORT] [-p JOBS]
                              [FILENAME ...]

Analyzes VHDL files for style guide violations. Reference documentation is
located at:

positional arguments:
  FILENAME              File to analyze

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILENAME [FILENAME ...], --filename FILENAME [FILENAME ...]
                        File to analyze
  -lr LOCAL_RULES, --local_rules LOCAL_RULES
                        Path to local rules
                        JSON or YAML configuration file(s)
  --fix                 Fix issues found
  -fp FIX_PHASE, --fix_phase FIX_PHASE
                        Fix issues up to and including this phase
  -j JUNIT, --junit JUNIT
                        Extract Junit file
  -js JSON, --json JSON
                        Extract JSON file
  -of {vsg,syntastic,summary}, --output_format {vsg,syntastic,summary}
                        Sets the output format.
  -b, --backup          Creates a copy of input file for comparison with fixed
                        Write configuration to file name.
                        Display configuration of a rule
  --style {indent_only,jcl}
                        Use predefined style
  -v, --version         Displays version information
  -ap, --all_phases     Do not stop when a violation is detected.
  --fix_only FIX_ONLY   Restrict fixing via JSON file.
  --stdin               Read VHDL input from stdin, disables all other file
                        selections, disables multiprocessing
  --quality_report QUALITY_REPORT
                        Create code quality report for GitLab
  -p JOBS, --jobs JOBS  number of parallel jobs to use, default is the number
                        of cpu cores
  --debug               Displays verbose debug information

Command Line Options




The VHDL file to be analyzed or fixed. Multiple files can be passed through this option. The path to each file can also be specified. File globbing is also supported.


Reads VHDL file input from standard in put instead of reading from a file or files. Can be useful for using with other tools such as editors that can interact through stdin/stdout for diagnostics

–local_rules LOCAL_RULES

Additional rules not in the base set.

–configuration CONFIGURATION

JSON or YAML file(s) which alters the behavior of VSG. Configuration can also include a list files to analyze. Any combination of JSON and YAML files can be passed. Each will be processed in order from left to right.


Update issues found. Replaces current file with updated one.


Applies for all phases up to and including this phase. Analysis will then be performed on all phases.


Filename of JUnit XML file to generate. The path to the file can also be specified, but the destination directory must exist.


Filename of JSON file to generate. The path to the file can also be specified, but the destination directory must exist.


Configures the sdout output format.

vsg – standard VSG output syntastic – format compatible with the syntastic VIM module summary – Minimal output useful when running on multiple files


Creates a copy of the input file before applying any fixes. This can be used to compare the fixed file against the original. NOTE: This is only valid when using –fix.


Writes a JSON configuration file of the current run. It includes a file_list, local_rules (if used), and how every rule was configured. This configuration can be fed back into VSG. The path to the file can also be specified, but the destination directory must exist.


Displays the configuration of a rule.


Use a built in coding style.


Displays the version of VSG.


Executes all phases without stopping if a violation is found. NOTE: This is not valid with the –fix option.


Restrict which rules are fixed based on JSON file.


Write a quality report which can be used by GitLab


Restrict the number of cores used to run. The default is the number of cores available.


Print verbose debug information to assist with debugging errors with VSG.

Here is an example output running against a test file:

$ vsg -f example/architecture-empty.vhd
File:  example/architecture-empty.vhd
Phase 1 of 7... Reporting
Total Rules Checked: 83
Total Violations:     3
  Error   :     3
  Warning :     0
  Rule                      |  severity  |  line(s)   | Solution
  port_021                  | Error      |         45 | Move the ( to the same line as the "port" keyword.
  instantiation_034         | Error      |        169 | Change to component instantiation
  generic_map_003           | Error      |        170 | Move the ( to the same line as the "generic map" keyword.
NOTE: Refer to online documentation at for more information.

VSG will report the rule which is violated and the line number or group of lines where the violation occurred. It also gives a suggestion on how to fix the violation. The rules VSG uses are grouped together into Phases. These phases follow the order in which the user would take to address the violations. Each rule is detailed in the Rules section. The violation and the appropriate fix for each rule is shown.

The violations can be fixed manually, or use the –fix option to have VSG update the file.

$ vsg -f example/architecture-empty.vhd
File:  example/architecture-empty.vhd
Phase 7 of 7... Reporting
Total Rules Checked: 378
Total Violations:    0

If rule violations can not be fixed, they will be reported after fixing everything that can be mixed:

$ vsg -f example/architecture-empty.vhd
File:  example/architecture-empty.vhd
Phase 1 of 7... Reporting
Total Rules Checked: 83
Total Violations:     1
  Error   :     1
  Warning :     0
  Rule                      |  severity  |  line(s)   | Solution
  instantiation_034         | Error      |        169 | Change to component instantiation
NOTE: Refer to online documentation at for more information.

Use Cases

The following examples show how to perform certain tasks with VSG.

Checking a single file

$ vsg -f fifo.vhd

Checking a single file over standard input

$ vsg --stdin

Checking multiple files using globbing

$ vsg -f *.vhd

Checking multiple files in different directories

$ vsg -f fifos/src/*.vhd cpu_core/src/*.vhd usb_hub/src/*.vhd

Checking all files in a project

$ find . -name "*.vhd" -exec vsg -f {} \;

Integration with CI server

$ vsg -f fifos/src/*.vhd --junit fifos/src/fifos_junit.xml

Fixing a single file

$ vsg -f fifo.vhd --fix

Fixing multiple files using globbing

$ vsg -f *.vhd --fix

Fixing all files in a project

$ find . -name "*.vhd" -exec vsg -f {} --fix \;

Error Codes

One of the following error codes will be returned after running VSG:

Error Code



VSG ran without encountering any errors and no rule violations were detected.


VSG ran and detected a rule violation.


An attempt was made to configure a rule which was deprecated.