
The tokenizing process is responsible for taking the VHDL text file and grouping characters into tokens. This process is performed on a line by line basis. Each line is processed a single character at a time. Characters are combined to form tokens based on several rules.

  • keywords and identifiers

  • multiple character sequences (<=, :=, etc…)

  • whitespace

  • comments

The result will be a list of lists. The outer list is the entire file and each inner list is a line in the file.

For example, the following code…

architecture rtl of fifo is
 a <= b;     -- Assign output
end architecture rtl;

would be tokenized into this:

tokens = [
    ['architecture', ' ', 'rtl', ' ', 'of', ' ', 'fifo', ' ', 'is'],
    [' ', 'a', ' ', '<=', ' ', 'b', ';', '     ', '-- Assign output'],
    ['end', ' ', 'architecture', ' ', 'rtl', ';']