Configuring Multiline Assert Rule

There is a rule which will check indent of multiline assert statements. The method of indenting can be configured using one of the following options:



Default Value



left, report


  • The setting left enforces multiline report statements using indents.

  • The setting report aligns multiline report statements to the report keyword.

This is an example of how to configure these options.

rule :
     alignment: 'left'

Example: alignment set to :code:’report`

Align report expressions with the report keyword.

assert WIDTH > 16
  report "FIFO width is limited" &
         " to 16 bits."
  severity FAILURE;

Example: alignment set to :code:’left`

Align report expressions an additional indent level from the report keyword.

assert WIDTH > 16
  report "FIFO width is limited" &
    " to 16 bits."
  severity FAILURE;

Rules Enforcing Alignment