.. include:: includes.rst Variable Assignment Rules ------------------------- variable_assignment_001 ####################### |phase_4| |error| |indent| This rule checks the indent of a variable assignment. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl proc : process () is begin counter := 0; count := counter + 1; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl proc : process () is begin counter := 0; count := counter + 1; variable_assignment_002 ####################### |phase_2| |error| |whitespace| This rule checks for a single space after the assignment. |configuring_whitespace_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl counter :=0; count := counter + 1; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl counter := 0; count := counter + 1; variable_assignment_003 ####################### |phase_2| |error| |whitespace| This rule checks for at least a single space before the assignment. |configuring_whitespace_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl counter:= 0; count := counter + 1; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl counter := 0; count := counter + 1; variable_assignment_004 ####################### |phase_5| |error| |alignment| This rule checks the alignment of multiline variable assignments. |configuring_multiline_indent_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl counter := 1 + 4 + 10 + 25 + 30 + 35; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl counter := 1 + 4 + 10 + 25 + 30 + 35; variable_assignment_005 ####################### This rule has been deprecated and replaced with rule `process_400 `_. variable_assignment_006 ####################### |phase_2| |error| |structure| This rule checks for comments in multiline variable assignments. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl counter := 1 + 4 + 10 + 25 + -- Add in more stuff 30 + 35; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl counter := 1 + 4 + 10 + 25 + 30 + 35; variable_assignment_007 ####################### |phase_1| |error| |structure| This rule checks the structure of simple and conditional variable assignments. |configuring_simple_multiline_structure_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl wr_en := '0' when q_wr_en = '1' else '1'; w_foo := I_FOO when ((I_BAR = '1') and (I_CRUFT = '1')) else '0'; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl wr_en := '0' when q_wr_en = '1' else '1'; w_foo := I_FOO when ((I_BAR = '1') and (I_CRUFT = '1')) else '0'; variable_assignment_008 ####################### |phase_1| |error| |structure| This rule checks the structure of multiline variable assignments that contain arrays. |configuring_array_multiline_structure_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl wr_data := (0, 65535, 32768); **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl wr_data := ( 0, 65535, 32768 ); variable_assignment_400 ####################### |phase_5| |error| |alignment| This rule checks alignment of multiline conditional variable assignments. |configuring_conditional_multiline_indent_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl wr_en := '0' when q_wr_en = '1' else '1'; w_foo := I_FOO when ((I_BAR = '1') and (I_CRUFT = '1')) else '0'; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl wr_en := '0' when q_wr_en = '1' else '1'; w_foo := I_FOO when ((I_BAR = '1') and (I_CRUFT = '1')) else '0'; variable_assignment_401 ####################### |phase_5| |error| |alignment| This rule checks the alignment of multiline variable assignments that contain arrays. |configuring_multiline_indent_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl wr_data := ( 0, 65535, 32768 ); **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl wr_data := ( 0, 65535, 32768 );