.. include:: includes.rst Selected Assignment Rules ------------------------- selected_assignment_001 ####################### |phase_1| |error| |structure| This rule checks the **with** keyword is on the same line as the expression. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_002 ####################### |phase_1| |error| |structure| This rule checks the **select** keyword is on the same line as the expression. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_003 ####################### |phase_1| |error| |structure| This rule checks the **select** keyword is on the same line as the target. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_004 ####################### |phase_1| |error| |structure| This rule checks the assignment is on the same line as the target. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_005 ####################### |phase_1| |error| |structure| This rule checks for code after the assignment. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_006 ####################### |phase_1| |error| |structure| This rule checks for code after the **force** keyword. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= force "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= force "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_007 ####################### |phase_1| |error| |structure| This rule checks for code after the force mode keywords **in** and **out**. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= force in "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= force in "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_008 ####################### |phase_1| |error| |structure| This rule checks for code after the **guarded** keyword. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= guarded "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= guarded "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_009 ####################### |phase_1| |error| |structure| This rule checks for code after the delay mechanism keywords **transport** and **inertial**. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= transport "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= transport "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_010 ####################### |phase_1| |error| |structure| This rule checks the **when** keyword is on the same line as the expression or waveform. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_011 ####################### |phase_1| |error| |structure| This rule checks the choice is on the same line as the **when** keyword. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_012 ####################### |phase_1| |error| |structure| This rule checks for code after the comma in choices. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= force "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_100 ####################### |phase_2| |error| |whitespace| This rule checks for a single space after the **with** keyword. |configuring_whitespace_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_101 ####################### |phase_2| |error| |whitespace| This rule checks for a single space before the **select** keyword. |configuring_whitespace_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_102 ####################### |phase_2| |error| |whitespace| This rule checks for a single space after the **select** keyword. |configuring_whitespace_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_103 ####################### |phase_2| |error| |whitespace| This rule checks for a single space before the assignment. |configuring_whitespace_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr<= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_104 ####################### |phase_2| |error| |whitespace| This rule checks for a single space after the assignment. |configuring_whitespace_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_105 ####################### |phase_2| |error| |whitespace| This rule checks for a single space after the **force** keyword. |configuring_whitespace_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= force "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= force "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_106 ####################### |phase_2| |error| |whitespace| This rule checks for a single space before the **when** keyword. |configuring_whitespace_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001"when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_107 ####################### |phase_2| |error| |whitespace| This rule checks for a single space after the **when** keyword. |configuring_whitespace_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_300 ####################### |phase_4| |error| |indent| This rule checks the indent of the **with** keyword. **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl wr_en <= '1'; with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl wr_en <= '1'; with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_400 ####################### |phase_5| |error| |alignment| This rule checks the alignment of multiline selected assignment statements. |configuring_multiline_indent_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with (mux_select or reset) select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with (mux_select or reset) select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_500 ####################### |phase_6| |error| |case| |case_keyword| This rule checks the **with** keyword has proper case. |configuring_uppercase_and_lowercase_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl WITH mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_501 ####################### |phase_6| |error| |case| |case_keyword| This rule checks the **select** keyword has proper case. |configuring_uppercase_and_lowercase_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel SELECT addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_502 ####################### |phase_6| |error| |case| |case_keyword| This rule checks the **force** keyword has proper case. |configuring_uppercase_and_lowercase_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= FORCE "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= force "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others; selected_assignment_503 ####################### |phase_6| |error| |case| |case_keyword| This rule checks the **when** keyword has proper case. |configuring_uppercase_and_lowercase_rules_link| **Violation** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" WHEN 0, "0001" WHEN 1, "1111" WHEN others; **Fix** .. code-block:: vhdl with mux_sel select addr <= "0000" when 0, "0001" when 1, "1111" when others;