.. _configuring-move-token-rules: Configuring Move Token Rules ---------------------------- There are rules which will move tokens around to help with the structure of the code. There is one option for these rules: .. |new_line| replace:: :code:`new_line` .. |move_left| replace:: :code:`move_left` .. |action| replace:: :code:`action` .. |action__new_line| replace:: |new_line| = Token will be moved to the next line. .. |action__move_left| replace:: |move_left| = Token will be moved left to the next non whitespace token. .. |values_action| replace:: |new_line|, |move_left| +--------------------------------------+-----------------+------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Option | Values | Default | Description | +======================================+=================+============+================================================+ | |action| | |values_action| | |new_line| | * |action__new_line| | | | | | * |action__move_left| | +--------------------------------------+-----------------+------------+------------------------------------------------+ This is an example of how to configure the option. .. code-block:: yaml rule : port_map_004: action: 'new_line' .. NOTE:: All examples below are using the rule **port_map_004**. Example: |action| set to |new_line| ################################### The following code would fail with this option: .. code-Block:: vhdl U_INST : FIFO port map ( A => B, B => C); The following code would pass with this option: .. code-block:: vhdl U_INST : FIFO port map ( A => B, B => C ); Example: |action| set to |move_left| #################################### The following code would fail with this option: .. code-block:: vhdl U_INST : FIFO port map ( A => B, B => C ); The following code would pass with this option: .. code-Block:: vhdl U_INST : FIFO port map ( A => B, B => C); Rules Enforcing Move Token ########################## * `generic_010 `_ * `generic_map_004 `_ * `port_014 `_ * `port_map_004 `_ * `record_type_definition_001 `_