Configuring Use Clause Selected Names

There are rules which will check indent and formatting of multiline expressions and conditions.

The alignment of multiline rules is handled by a corresponding rule. Both rules are required to ensure proper formatting of multiline expressions and conditions. The corresponding rule will be noted in the rule documentation.

There are several options to these rules:

Method Type Default Description
first_paren_new_line string yes First opening parenthesis on it’s own line.
last_paren_new_line string yes Last closing parenthesis on it’s own line.
open_paren_new_line string yes Insert new line after open parenthesis.
close_paren_new_line string yes Insert new line before close parenthesis.
new_line_after_comma string yes Insert new line after the commas.
assign_on_single_line string yes Keep assignments on a single line.
ignore_single_line string yes Do not apply rules if expression/condition is contained on a single line.
move_last_comment string ignore If last_paren_new_line is ‘yes’, then move any trailing comments to the previous line.

The options can be combined to format the output.

Each option except new_line_after_comma and assign_on_single_line allows one of three values: yes, no and ignore.

Option Value Action
yes Option will be enforced.
no The inverse of the Option will be enforced.
ignore The option will be ignored.

The new_line_after_comma option allows one of four values: yes, no, ignore and ignore_positional.

Option Value Action
yes Insert new line after commas.
no Remove new line after commas.
ignore Ignore commas.
ignore_positional Insert new line after commas unless elements are positional.

The assign_on_single_line option allows one of two values: yes and ignore.

Option Value Action
yes Force assignments to a single line.
ignore Allow assignments to span multiple lines.

This is an example of how to configure these options.

rule :
     first_paren_new_line : 'yes'
     last_paren_new_line : 'yes'
     open_paren_new_line : 'yes'
     close_paren_new_line : 'yes'
     new_line_after_comma : 'ignore'
     ignore_single_line : 'no'


All examples below are using the rule constant_016 and the option ignore_single_line is False.

Example: first_paren_new_line

The following code would fail with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := (a => 0, b => 1);

The following code would pass with this option:

constant c_const : t_type :=
(a => 0, b => 1);

Example: last_paren_new_line

The following code would fail with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := (a => 0, b => 1);

The following code would pass with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := (a => 0, b => 1

Example: first_paren_new_line and last_paren_new_line

The following code would fail with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := (a => 0, b => 1);

The following code would pass with this option:

constant c_const : t_type :=
  a => 0, b => 1

Example: new_line_after_comma

The following code would fail with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := (a => 0, b => 1);

The following code would pass with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := (a => 0,
b => 1);

Example: new_line_after_comma and first_paren_new_line and last_paren_new_line

The following code would fail with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := (a => 0, b => 1);

The following code would pass with this option:

constant c_const : t_type :=
(a => 0,
 b => 1);

Example: open_paren_new_line

The following code would fail with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := ((a => 0, b => 1), (c => 0, d => 1));

The following code would pass with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := (
  a => 0, b => 1), (
c => 0, d => 1));

Example: close_paren_new_line

The following code would fail with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := ((a => 0, b => 1), (c => 0, d => 1));

The following code would pass with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := ((a => 0, b => 1
                              ), (c => 0, d => 1

Example: open_paren_new_line and close_paren_new_line

The following code would fail with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := ((a => 0, b => 1), (c => 0, d => 1));

The following code would pass with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := (
  a => 0, b => 1
), (
  c => 0, d => 1

Example: all options yes

The following code would fail with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := ((a => 0, b => 1), (c => 0, d => 1));

The following code would pass with this option:

constant c_const : t_type :=
    a => 0,
    b => 1
    c => 0,
    d => 1

Example: all options no

The following code would pass with this option:

constant c_const : t_type :=
    a => 0,
    b => 1
    c => 0,
    d => 1

The following code would fail with this option:

constant c_const : t_type := ((a => 0, b => 1), (c => 0, d => 1));

Example: assign_on_single_line

The following code would pass with this option set to True:

constant c_const : t_type :=
  1 => func1(std_logic_vector(G_GEN), G_GEN2),
  2 => func1(std_logic_vector(G_GEN), G_GEN2)

The following code would fail with this option set to True:

constant c_const : t_type :=
  1 => func1(std_logic_vector(G_GEN), G_GEN2),
  2 => func1(
             std_logic_vector(G_GEN), G_GEN2)

Example: last_paren_new_line and move_last_comment

The following code would fail with this option:

constant c_const : t_type :=
  a => 0,
  b => 1); -- Comment

The following code would pass with this option:

constant c_const : t_type :=
  a => 0,
  b => 1 -- Comment

Rules Enforcing Multiline Structure Rules